Zander Unleashes Zanpack Range of Boards


Zander, a German specialty paper producer is ex­pand­ing its port­fo­lio by Zanpack, a new range of boards with a spe­cial sur­face and ex­tremely pure white­ness, which will bring out the full in­ten­sity and bril­liance of print­ing inks.

The decades-long ex­pe­ri­ence in per­fect­ing high-per­for­mance coat­ing tech­nolo­gies has been in­cor­po­rated into the de­vel­op­ment of the new board grades. The print re­sults are bet­ter than good – they are in­spir­ing. Zanpack builds on the tra­di­tion of in­no­va­tion that pro­duced Chromolux.

The range in­cludes three grades: Zanpack silk, Zanpack silk² and Zanpack touch.

Zanpack silk is dou­ble-coated on one side, with an ex­cep­tion­ally smooth sur­face and matt silk touch. It also has a spe­cial lick coat­ing on the re­verse, which gives su­pe­rior print re­sults com­pared to stan­dard un­coated re­verse sides. The high white­ness of Zanpack silk makes it ideal for pack­ag­ing phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, as well as food and bev­er­ages, to­bacco prod­ucts and non-food items. It also per­fect for graph­ics ap­pli­ca­tions. Zanpack silk comes in gram­mages from 180-380 g/​m².

Zanpack silk² is two-side dou­ble-coated grade, pro­duc­ing iden­ti­cal print re­sults on both top and re­verse sides. With a lux­u­ri­ous matt silk feel, it sets the tone for pre­mium items. It is avail­able in gram­mages from 240-330 g/​m².

In con­trast, Zanpack touch has an un­coated sur­face giv­ing a grainier, more nat­ural touch. It is es­pe­cially suit­able for brands that em­pha­sise or­ganic and nat­ural prop­er­ties or an in­di­vid­ual and hand-crafted feel. It comes in weights of 240-340 g/​m².

The Zanpack range is made in Ger­many to the high­est man­u­fac­tur­ing stan­dards, and uses only FSC® cer­ti­fied and sus­tain­able pulp.

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