All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP) held an E-Election of Office Bearers for the year 2021-22 on September 26-27, 2021. Mr. P. Chander, Artisan Company has been elected as the President for the year 2021-22. Mr P. Chander took over the reins of AIFMP, the apex body of 2.5 lakhs Printers in this country employing around 15 lakhs persons directly and 10 lakhs indirectly, w.e.f 1st October 2021.
Established in the year 1953, AIFMP draws its strength from 83 Regional associations spread all over the country, which are affiliated to it.
The other elected Office Bearers for the year 2021-22 are:
Hon. Gen. Secretary
C. Ravinder Reddy, Sravya Grafics
Hon. Treasurer
Harjinder Singh, Swastika Printwell
Vice President (North)
Tarun Aneja, Aneja Printers
Vice President (East)
S. Surjit Singh, Sur Printer
Vice President (West)
Umesh Nema, Pragati Graphics
Vice President (South)
Y Vijayan, Vijaya Press
Hon. Joint Secretary
Nitin Narula, Colourbar Communication
Imm. Past President
Prof. Kamal Chopra, Foil Printers
For any further details, send mail to info@print-packaging.com