The series of recent installations of SM 74 and CD 102 by Heidelberg India points towards a robust growth in Indian commercial and packaging industry.
Overall glance of Speedmaster SM 74 has production speed up to 15,000 sheets per hour for short throughput times with two- or four-color press with or without washup devices and an attractive range of standard features. Wide range of substrates – from lightweight paper to board, prinect Press Center Compact with Intellistart process-oriented operator guidance system for exceptionally user-friendly operation. The highly automated feeder with central suction tape used for the widest possible range of substrates and speed-compensated Alcolor dampening system for brilliant print results.
The commercial and packaging printer- Ratna Offsets has installed a brand- new Speedmaster SM 74 four –color plus Polar cutter 115XC Plus. The New Delhi based Matti Design recently installed Speedmaster SM 74 five- color standard pile machine. The commercial and packaging printer has also decided to buy a new Polar cutter.
Agarwal Print Media, a commercial and packaging printer located in Meerut installed Speedmaster SM 74 offset at its unit. Kamal Printing Press, a commercial printer with a workforce of around 30, based in Varanasi, too has invested in a Speedmaster SM 74-4, which is just being shipped from Germany to India.
New Delhi- based commercial printer- India Offset joins the league of new installation stories from Heidelberg. The printer has opted for a new Speedmaster CD 102 four- color offset press.
CD 102 has a production speed of up to 15,000 sheets per hour, Prinect Press Center Compact with Intellistart process-oriented operator guidance system for exceptionally user-friendly operation, preset Plus Feeder for maximum substrate flexibility with AirTransfer System for contact-free sheet travel and speed-compensated Alcolor dampening system with Vario function.
The Heidelberg Printing Machines AG is a German precision mechanical engineering company with head offices in Heidelberg. It is a manufacturer of offset printing presses sold globally. The company has a worldwide market share of more than 47% in this area and is the largest global manufacturer of printing presses.